
Max just pushed a commit to change the semantics of EGraph::add_expr(expr). Previously this would look at the last node in expr and then recursively added nodes that were reachable from the last node. Now it just iterates through linearly and adds every node in expr, effectively allowing a RecExpr to have multiple roots.

This fixed an issue I was having with my Cornelius refactor (namely, I had assumed these new semantics and was getting baffling errors where everything was broken).

Now that the original errors were fixed I started getting a new error when I ran on the triangle.xml subject; I’d get the following output:

$ cargo run tests/triangle-debug.xml
    Finished dev [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.04s
     Running `target/debug/cornelius tests/triangle-debug.xml`
Running on subject file tests/triangle.xml
Reading from path tests/triangle.xml
thread 'main' panicked at 'attempt to add with overflow', src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace


I saw a similar bug when I was refactoring and reimplemented constant folding. Rules

    rw!("commute-mul";   "(* ?a ?b)"         => "(* ?b ?a)"),
    rw!("associate-mul"; "(* ?a (* ?b ?c))"  => "(* (* ?a ?b) ?c)"),
    rw!("mul-bot";       "(* ?a 0)"          => "0"),

would overflow with expression (* 0 2). From my report on Slack:

What is happening is that (* 0 2) -> (* 2 0) -> 0. Then by deduplication, (* 2 0) -> (* 2 (2 0)) becomes (* 2 (* 2 (* 2 0))) etc. all of these twos are multiplied together before reaching the zero. I tried to reproduce this in and no luck, so it’s gotta be something dumb I’m doing

Chandra replied that I should implement modify, and that this would fix my problem (it did!)

Bug Minimization


The input, triangle.xml, has over 100 mutants and thousands of entries in the id_table. My first task was to minimize this. With some manual binary searchy type things, I minimized the buggy input xml file to the following, stored in triangle-debug.xml, to represent the following two expressions:

  • (+ (phi (== (var a) (var b)) 1 0) 2) (id=11)
  • (phi true 0 -2147483648) (id=12)
<subject method="Triangle@classify(int,int,int)" sourcefile="../subjects/simple/triangle/regularized/">
<mutant id="1">
<dedup_entry id="0" peg="a"/>
<dedup_entry id="1" peg="(var 0)"/>
<dedup_entry id="2" peg="b"/>
<dedup_entry id="3" peg="(var 2)"/>
<dedup_entry id="4" peg="-2147483648"/>
<dedup_entry id="5" peg="0"/>
<dedup_entry id="6" peg="1"/>
<dedup_entry id="7" peg="2"/>
<dedup_entry id="8" peg="true"/>
<dedup_entry id="9" peg="(== 1 3)"/>
<dedup_entry id="10" peg="(phi 9 6 5)"/>
<dedup_entry id="11" peg="(+ 10 7)"/>
<dedup_entry id="12" peg="(phi 8 5 4)"/>


I minimized the rules to three rules:

    rw!("commute-add";   "(+ ?a ?b)"               => "(+ ?b ?a)"),
    rw!("plus-over-phi"; "(+ (phi ?c ?t ?e) ?rhs)" => "(phi ?c (+ ?t ?rhs) (+ ?e ?rhs))"),
    rw!("if-true";       "(phi true ?x ?y)"        => "?x"),

Building a Test

I want to ensure that an input doesn’t cause a panic. To do this I created the following helper function:

fn rewrites_do_not_panic(exprs: &[&str]) -> bool{

    let mut egraph: EGraph<Peg, VarAnalysis> = EGraph::default();
    let rules = crate::rewrites::rw_rules();
    let runner = Runner::default();
    for expr in exprs {


I used this to create the following test:

    fn add_ac_1(){
        assert!(rewrites_do_not_panic(&["(+ (phi (== (var a) (var b)) 1 0) 2)", "(phi true 0 -2147483648)"]));

Sure enough this failed with

~/Projects/cornelius on  master! ⌚ 14:08:24
$ cargo test add_ac
    Finished test [unoptimized + debuginfo] target(s) in 0.05s
     Running target/debug/deps/cornelius-d44dd4de81c01466

running 1 test
test tests::misc::add_ac ... FAILED


---- tests::misc::add_ac stdout ----
thread 'tests::misc::add_ac' panicked at 'attempt to add with overflow', src/
note: run with `RUST_BACKTRACE=1` environment variable to display a backtrace

Great, I have a test that documents this bug. I created a couple others just to get a feel for the behavior (and simplified the (== (var a) (var b)) condition to C):

    fn add_ac_1(){
        assert!(rewrites_do_not_panic(&["(+ (phi C 1 0) 2)", "(phi true 0 -2147483648)"]));

    fn add_ac_2a(){
        // Doesn't fail (nothing is subbed into the plus node)
        assert!(rewrites_do_not_panic(&["(+ (phi C 1 1) 2)", "(phi true 0 -2147483648)"]));

    fn add_ac_2b(){
        // fails
        assert!(rewrites_do_not_panic(&["(+ (phi C 1 1) 0)", "(phi true 0 -2147483648)"]));

    fn add_ac_2c(){
        // This doesn't fail: need the doubly nested phi nodes?
        assert!(rewrites_do_not_panic(&["(+ 1 0)", "(phi true 0 -2147483648)"]));

    fn add_ac_2d(){
        assert!(rewrites_do_not_panic(&["(+ (phi C 0 0) 0)", "(phi true 0 -2147483648)"]));

    fn add_ac_3a(){
        // This is relatively close to the boundary that will fail. This doesn't
        // fail, but add_ac_3b does
        assert!(rewrites_do_not_panic(&["(+ (phi C 1 0) 1)", "(phi true 0 -76650000)"]));


    fn add_ac_3b(){
        // This is relatively close to the boundary that will fail
        assert!(rewrites_do_not_panic(&["(+ (phi C 1 0) 1)", "(phi true 0 -76700000)"]));

So 2a and 2c don’t fail. 2a tells me that I need to substitute the second expression into the + node in the first expression to get the panic. 2c tells me that I need the nested phi node.

The fact that 2d fails tells me that the overflow is coming from adding a bunch of negative numbers (everything else is 0 here, so the only thing that can be added is the negative number).

3a and 3b are interesting: coupled with 2d it seems like there is some sort of iterative thing happening where the big negative number is being added over and over until it overflows. -76650000 goes into -2147483648 just over 28 times. Calculating (/ -2147483648 28) gives -76695844, which should be the biggest (smallest) number that I can substitute into (phi true 0 x) without triggering the bug. I add the tests:

    fn add_ac_3c(){
        // this passes
        assert!(rewrites_do_not_panic(&["(+ (phi C 1 0) 1)", "(phi true 0 -76695844)"]));

    fn add_ac_3d(){
        // this fails
        assert!(rewrites_do_not_panic(&["(+ (phi C 1 0) 1)", "(phi true 0 -76695845)"]));

Sure enough, 3c passes but 3d fails.

Finding the Bug’s Root Cause

Okay, I have a hypothesis: my rewrites are turning my program into something like:

(phi true 0 (+ -2147483648 (+ -2147483648 (+ -2147483648 ...) _) _))

and constant folding is triggering somewhere. So I need to take my three rules and see if I can translate the following expressions (by substituting them in to each other and applying the above rules) into the above form.

(+ (phi C 1 0) 2)         ;; expr 1
(phi true 0 -2147483648)  ;; expr 2

For ease of writing I’ll use symbol X for -2147483648.

(+ (phi C 1 0) 2)

;; expr 2 ~> 0, so I can sub into the above then clause
(+ (phi C 1 (phi true 0 X)) 2)

;; Fire plus-over-phi rule
(phi C (+ 1 2) (+ (phi true 0 X) 2))

;; Commutativity
(phi C (+ 1 2) (+ 2 (phi true 0 X)))

;; plus-over-phi
(phi C (+ 1 2) (phi true (+ 2 0) (+ 2 X)))

;; Sub `(phi true (+ 2 0) (+ 2 X))` for 2
(phi C (+ 1 2) (phi true 
                    (+ 2 0)
                    (+ (phi true (+ 2 0) (+ 2 X)) X)))

;; plus-over-phi
(phi C
     (+ 1 2)
     (phi true 
          (+ 2 0)
          (phi true
               (+ (+ 2 0) X)
               (+ (+ 2 X) X))))

;; Sub `(phi true (+ 2 0) (+ 2 X))` for 2
(phi C
     (+ 1 2)
     (phi true 
          (+ 2 0)
          (phi true
               (+ (+ 2 0) X)
               ;;    vvv SUBBED HERE
               (+ (+ (phi true (+ 2 0) (+ 2 X)) X) X))))

;; plus-over-phi
(phi C
     (+ 1 2)
     (phi true 
          (+ 2 0)
          (phi true
               (+ (+ 2 0) X)
               (+ (phi true (+ (+ 2 0) X) (+ (+ 2 X) X)) X))))

;; plus-over-phi
(phi C
     (+ 1 2)
     (phi true 
          (+ 2 0)
          (phi true
               (+ (+ 2 0) X)
               (phi true (+ (+ (+ 2 0) X) X) (+ (+ (+ 2 X) X) X)))))
               ;;                            ^-----------------^
               ;; This expression will grow arbitrarily large, and X is added to itself many times.

Found it! Now, how to fix it?

Possible Fixes

Disable Checked Overflow

At the end of the day I want to spoof Java’s semantics, and Java silently overflows. I chatted with Max during egg office hours and he mentioned std::intrinsics::wrapping_add. This also goes away with the --release tag.


Max also mentioned pruning as something I should add in the modify method—I’ll mark this as a TODO for now.

The Final Fix

I changed

    Peg::Add([a, b]) => Some(Peg::Num(x(a)?.as_int()? + x(b)?.as_int()?)),
    Peg::Sub([a, b]) => Some(Peg::Num(x(a)?.as_int()? - x(b)?.as_int()?)),
    Peg::Mul([a, b]) => Some(Peg::Num(x(a)?.as_int()? * x(b)?.as_int()?)),


    Peg::Add([a, b]) => Some(Peg::Num((Wrapping(x(a)?.as_int()?) + Wrapping(x(b)?.as_int()?)).0)),
    Peg::Sub([a, b]) => Some(Peg::Num((Wrapping(x(a)?.as_int()?) - Wrapping(x(b)?.as_int()?)).0)),
    Peg::Mul([a, b]) => Some(Peg::Num((Wrapping(x(a)?.as_int()?) * Wrapping(x(b)?.as_int()?)).0)),

and everything works!