_______              __         __ __         __
        |     __|.-----.----.|__|.---.-.|  |__|.-----.|__|.-----.-----.
        |__     ||  -__|   _||  ||  _  ||  |  ||-- __||  ||     |  _  |
        |_______||_____|__|  |__||___._||__|__||_____||__||__|__|___  |
                           ______               __
                          |      |.---.-.-----.|  |_
                          |   ---||  _  |__ --||   _|

       _______                                      __
      |    ___|.--.--.-----.----.-----.-----.-----.|__|.-----.-----.-----.
      |    ___||_   _|  _  |   _|  -__|__ --|__ --||  ||  _  |     |__ --|
      |_______||__.__|   __|__| |_____|_____|_____||__||_____|__|__|_____|
         __          ______                          __ __
        |__|.-----. |      |.-----.----.-----.-----.|  |__|.--.--.-----.
        |  ||     | |   ---||  _  |   _|     |  -__||  |  ||  |  |__ --|
        |__||__|__| |______||_____|__| |__|__|_____||__|__||_____|_____|

In this article I’m going to reason through transforming cast expressions into PEGs.

The Problem

The problem is simple: given a cast expression (T)o, I want to create a PEG that represents the semantics of this expression. I need to track the following:

  1. The change to the type: this is important for method dispatch, assignment validity, etc. For instance,

      * Suppose that T extends S, and that overriddenMethod is defined
      * in S and overridden in T.
     void m(S o) {
         T o2 = (T)o;

    should properly capture that both method invocations are not necessarily the same.

  2. Class Cast Exceptions: The following code should represent the possibility that something went wrong:

    void m(Object o) {
        T = (T) o;

    This will be tracked as an exception status stored in a heap node (heap state status).

    To do this, I’ll need at least two new nodes:

    • A (can-cast? OBJ TYPE) node representing the relation that OBJ os if type TYPE, and

    • A (cast OBJ TYPE) node that represents the result of OBJ being cast to TYPE

Question: can the can-cast? relation be replaced with Java’s instanceof keyword? That is, is cast expression (T)o successful precisely when o instanceof T?

Answer: Not quite…these are almost identical, but null instanceof T always returns false, while casts to reference types always succeed (e.g., (Object)null is successful). That’s okay, we can introduce a can-cast? node and then rewrite (can-cast? o t) to (and (not is-null? o) (instance-of? o t)).

PEGifying a cast expression

I think it should be as easy as:

  1. Add exit condition (not (can-cast? o T)) to the Context so that subsequent changes to local state are predicated on this condition not being satisfied.
  2. Modify the heap by replacing it’s STATUS field with (phi (is-unit? STATUS) (phi (not (can-cast? o T)) java.lang.ClassCastException unit))
  3. Represent the expression as a (cast o T) PEG node.